Backpacking Essentials

Overnight Backpacking Checklist [PDF & Infographic] | Most Important Gear and Tips!

Do you love to go backpacking as much as I do?

I love exploring the great outdoors with friends.  There is nothing quite like the self-sufficiency and natural beauty you experience when you are away from the city.

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However, there is one big problem I always have.  I never know what to pack or prepare for and always seem to leave something important at home.​ I'm often scrambling trying to figure out what to pack and whether or not something will travel on a plane.

That's why I created this infographic.  It is to help you (and me) with a visual representation of everything you should bring on a backpacking adventure.  We have included some helpful tips at the bottom to make sure it is a smashing success.

Overnight Backpacking Checklist

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Most Important Backpacking Gear [Checklist]

Ready to backpack into the unknown?  Below you will find a list of the most important backpacking travel items to take with you along with the top tips for backpacking like a pro.

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If you are anything like me you are always wondering how to pack before you go on each backpacking trip.  I am always scrambling, looking on the internet and wondering if I am forgetting something.

This simple backpacking checklist was created so you can quickly scan to make sure you have everything!​

  • Google Maps Application - Whether you are on an IOS or an Android device, make sure you have Google Maps installed.  Trust me, if you get lost, it will come in handy.  Pirates had maps, you have your cellphone.
  • Sunscreen - Take sunscreen, lip balm, and sunglasses with you.  Backpackers walk a lot and you don't want to ruin your pretty skin due to excessive sun exposure.
  • Portable Charger - Want to capture the best moments?  Bring along a lightweight portable charger to keep your phone on during the long journey.  You never know if you'll need it for an emergency.
  • First Aid Kit - Try to have a small first aid kit with you.  It's always better to be safe than sorry!
  • Flashlight - Keep a flashlight with you.  A flashlight makes evening cooking and settling in at night a lot more enjoyable.  Finally, it helps during late night trips to the bathroom.
  • Food/Snacks - Make sure to bring lots of lightweight nutritional foods and snacks like ramen noodles, trail mix, canned tuna, and beef jerky.  Stick with lightweight high-calorie items!
  • Water - Dehydration is deadly and you don't want it to happen to you.  It's important to keep more water than you think you'll need.  Small water purifying devices come in handy as well!
  • Tent or Hammock - Bring a lightweight tent or hammock so you can have a place to lay your head at night.
  • Backpacking Stove & Spork - Get a small portable stove like a Bunsen Burner or canister stove.  These will come in handy when cooking your ramen noodles in the wilderness.

Special Note: There is no end to this list.  Depending on where you are visiting you might have to take more items.  These are the essentials, don't forget them!

​7 Essential Backpacking Tips

Ready to go on your next backpacking trip?  The below tips will help make sure it's a successful one!​

  • Hostel, Not Hotel - Backpackers should not stay in a hotel.  Go for hostels!  They are not only cheaper, but you will also meet other like minded backpackers to swap stories with.
  • Keep Extra Cash In A Safe Place - Always remember to keep extra cash in a safe place in case of emergencies.  This is especially true when traveling abroad as often times you must pay unexpected tourist taxes like park entrances and Visa fees.
  • Avoid Tourist Traps - Every country has tourist traps.  Read about them before you travel and if you are confident in what to expect, being conned becomes much less likely to happen to you.
  • Buy Passes - Don't buy train or bus tickets each time you need one.  Save money and go for weekly or monthly passes!  They'll save you money and you won't have the hassle of buying new tickets each day.  Take public transportation when available.
  • One Backpack Is Enough - There's a reason it's called backpacking.  Don't take more than you need and pack lightly.  One sturdy backpack with lots of zippers and pockets should get the job done.
  • Camp Out - Save money and camp outside whenever possible.  Take a sleeping bag and you will be just fine in the wilderness.  Obviously, make sure to know about your surroundings before plopping down for the night.
  • Start Thinking About Your Next Trip on the Ride Home - Put it on your calendar and plan out your next outdoor excursion on the way home.  There is always more to explore!

What's On Your Backpacking Checklist

We hope you found our backpacking essentials checklist useful.  It's important to have a durable, comfortable backpacking bag to take with you every time you go out.

In case you are on the market for a new backpacking backpack we put together an in-depth guide right here.

If you want to put together your own DIY backpacking gear, we recommend you check out our lightweight backpacking equipment article and lightweight hiking backpacks in case you need to pick up some high-quality gear before heading out.

Ultimately, our list of backpacking must haves has probably fallen short somewhere.  Let us know what backpacking essentials we should add to our next updated list.

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Benefits of Hiking Once a Week

Top 7 Benefits of Hiking Once a Week

This probably won’t come as much of a surprise, but hiking just once a week can have numerous health benefits!

It’s truly one of the best exercises you can do so you would be foolish to not try and implement it into your weekly routine at least one day a week.  Studies have found a vast array of benefits for people that spend consistent time with good ole mother nature.

Nate Alger

My hope in writing this article is that you will have a greater desire to get out there and begin hiking on a consistent basis.

I’m not talking about just the usual once a year trip to a nearby National Park.

7 Best Benefits of Hiking Regularly (at least once a week)

When you get out there and start hiking each week you will start to see positive changes to your overall mood and stress levels.

Not to mention your long term health will be greatly enhanced.

Below, we discuss the 7 best benefits of hiking once a week starting with perhaps the most important one!

Benefits of Hiking

1) Hiking Lowers Your Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes

benefits of hiking weight loss

Do you know someone in your family who has diabetes? If your family is anything like mine, you might have a few different people that struggle with these limiting diseases.

This benefit alone gives me the desire to get out there and get moving.

Being active in any capacity helps lower your risk for heart disease and diabetes. In fact, research has shown that there were 58% fewer cases of diabetes for groups that showed increased aerobic exercise.

hiking health benefits

Not a place I want to be...

So you’re telling me I can cut my risk of diabetes in half just by doing some aerobic exercise?  Sign me up!

Personally, I don’t find much excitement in running the treadmill, so why not do an aerobic activity that you do like doing.

For me that is hiking.  It is one of the best aerobic exercises you can do, so we would be silly not to implement it into our weeks plans.

2) Hiking Improves Your Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Levels

benefits of hiking alone

I have quite the sweet tooth. I love to eat cookies and cakes. If you are anything like me, I am sure you do too.  If you aren’t, congratulations!

Studies have shown that 61% of the food we buy is highly processed foods!  Ouch!  I think it is time to start eating  some normal everyday whole foods (not the grocery store).

Ok, now let me hit you with some encouraging facts.

health benefits of hiking

Regular physical activity like hiking or walking lowers your blood pressure by 4 to 9 millimeters of mercury.  

This increase in insulin sensitivity means you are better able to regulate the sugar in your bloodstream in a natural way.

It also helps your muscles use blood sugar for energy and muscle contraction.  This keeps your blood sugar levels from getting too high or too low.

That’s what I like to hear!

3) Hiking Builds Strength in Your Legs and Hips

Hiking benefits legs

The benefits of incline walking in an exercise like hiking can be compared to using a Stairmaster over and over again.

Just like on the treadmill, I don’t find much enjoyment using the Stairmaster at a gym. That thing will put you to sleep in boredom.

Best Benefits of hiking

Quite frankly, there isn’t enough TV’s at the gym to grab my attention using that thing!

Ascending up a mountain makes the pain and struggle worth it as I am seeing the beauty all around me. The struggle feels as though it is nothing.  

Well, not exactly, but you get the point.

That’s not to say it won’t be a challenge. In hiking, you are are creating an intense burnout in your quads, glutes, and calves.

Even more, hiking downwards gets your legs sculpted and sore. You work your legs hard on the way up and sculpt them on the way down.

Finally, the stabilization in your knees and hips gives you a full lower body workout.

Now that my friends, is a comprehensive session at the gym that I actually enjoy doing.

4) Hiking Strengthens Your Core

Hiking Helps you get abs

Every time you turn on the television you see another infomercial with the latest ab chiseling machine.

The reason these “revolutionary” ab machines and exercises do so well is because people have a burning desire for flat belly’s and six pack abs.  What guy doesn’t want to look like Gerard Butler in the movie 300?

Not surprisingly, the core is one of the most important parts of your body to keep under control.  A little extra built up fat in your stomach can have some bad lingering effects on your body down the road.

Hiking builds abs

How does hiking strengthen your core you might ask?

Moving around in difficult terrain forces your abs, oblique’s, and lower back to work harder to keep your body stabilized and upright and even more so if you're carrying a backpack.

A weighted bag, at just 5 to 10 pounds makes you unstable up top so your core muscles are forced to work that much harder.

This is the reason why many trainers at the gym recommend doing walking lunges with the weight above your head and not at your side.  It forces your core to work harder.

Fact of the matter is, your stomach muscles needs to work that much more to balance the heavier than normal upper body.

Instead of doing a bunch of crunches at home, why not grab your backpack and hit the trail?

5) Hiking Improves Your Balance

top benefits of hiking

Going off that last benefit on core strength, hiking also helps improve your overall balance.

How does it improve your balance?

Hiking helps build up your lower body strength which is an important element to balance.  This simple act of moving around reduces the risk of you taking a tumble due to an improved equilibrium.

hiking helps balance

I have noticed the more I go hiking the better my overall stability is. The benefits aren’t incredibly obvious, but I have slowly noticed that I am much less likely to trip and fall when I have done some solid stepping.

Over time, I have built up an unstoppable force that won’t allow me to fall.  This has helped me out a ton!

I am, by nature, on the tall and clumsy side.

Even though I do hit my head often on things above me, I rarely do fall to the ground when I am walking and get tripped up.

Clearly, the benefits of stability are an often underrated advantage from hiking that should not be overlooked.

6) Hiking Helps Control Your Weight

Hiking helps you lose weight

Have you ever had an issue with controlling your weight?

If you are anything like most Americans, you will probably find that maintaining your weight and staying in shape can be quite the difficult task.  Sadly, studies have shown that only about 18% of Americans are at their ideal weight!

In today’s busy, sedentary world, sitting down seems to be the norm.

Most people, like myself, spend over half the day sitting at a desk job so naturally our metabolism slows down to an inhumane level.

hiking benefits lose weight

Thankfully, here’s where the hiking comes in.

The brisk pace of hiking boosts your metabolism and gets the blood flowing.  By doing this, you increase the number of mitochondria and how efficiently they burn fat throughout the day.

Burning fat throughout the day, with the help of your metabolism, is crucial to keeping that dangerous visceral belly fat kept at bay. Visceral fat can be the source of many issues down the road.

If you include a nice aerobic exercise like hiking to your weekly routine, you will burn fat easier and also speed up that all-important metabolism.

This is yet another way to keep that vital tummy in check.

7) Hiking Boosts Your Mood and Makes You A Happier Person

Hiking makes you happier

This last benefit is definitely not one we can overlook.

In fact, it might be the most important of all the benefits listed above. Especially if you or your family has a history with depression.  Sadly, many do.

In today’s always on digital age, it’s easy to grow depressed looking at other people’s status updates and social media posts throughout the day.

hiking improves your mood

However, studies have shown that just a few minutes in the outdoors will brighten your day.

The fresh air, the beautiful trees, and the other beautiful elements that you encounter on your hike is sure to bring a smile to your face.

Exercise produces endorphins, which takes away your stress and replaces it with happiness! 

Next time you have a big report to finish for work or a big exam to study for, why not schedule a quick hike the morning of?

It is sure to lower your stress and increase your focus when you do get back to the office.

Just 15-20 minutes a day in nature can have long term benefits on your health.

Set a Goal to Go Hiking One Day This Week

top Benefits of hiking

I know finding the time to go hiking can be difficult. However, the benefits of hiking once a week are all too important to overlook.  Schedule time to spend a couple hours in nature this week!

My hope is you build up a consistent weekly routine, whether that be every Sunday afternoon or every Tuesday morning.

Power of Habit

The time isn’t the important thing, the consistent routine and the built-up habit (check out the book) is what is most important.

Some of these hiking benefits might not come as much of a surprise to you.  But that’s not to say they are not imperative to your overall long term well-being.

I hope this article has created in you a greater appreciation for this wonderful exercise.

I know for me, just understanding the benefits makes me realize that this is something that I should be taking serious for more than just the pleasure factor.

It has numerous preventative benefits and improves your overall mood.

hiking in nature benefits

Although it’s great to go in groups, don’t let hiking alone stop you from getting out there.

One of the benefits of hiking alone is you can go at your own pace and experience nature in a whole new way.

I love putting on an insightful Podcast or audiobook during my hike alone.

Next time you find yourself lacking motivation to head to the gym, grab your hiking shoes and hit up a local trail.

We want to hear from you, what do you enjoy most about hiking?

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Lightweight Backpacking Gear

Ultra-Lightweight Backpacking Gear | The 7 Essentials

Ready to go on your next backpacking adventure but don’t have the right gear?

We put together the 7 essentials for lightweight, simple backpacking with all the equipment you could possibly need.

Osprey Aether 70 Backpack

Whether you're a seasoned hiker or just trying to break into the trekking scene, maintaining or building your collection of equipment can be a daunting task.

One thing is for certain though, the more weight you carry, the harder you’ll have to work during your hike.

It’s best therefore to try and make your collection as lightweight as possible for a smoother, less restraining trek.

As technology advances, so too do the range of options available online. There are more choices than ever, which is both a blessing and a curse for backpacking enthusiasts.

Where to begin when purchasing useful, lightweight and super cool backpacking gear online?

We put together a nice list of all the ultralight backpacking gear you will need on your next adventure.

I'll take us through the necessities like backpacks to other handy accessories like a spork to make lightweight eating a nice possibility.

Best Ultralight Backpacking Gear

Through loads of research and some individual testing we put together the best lightweight backpacking gear reviews available online. We know you don’t want to be weighed down by heavy uncomfortable equipment as you will be burning many many calories each day.

Below you will find our list of the top equipment from each important category.

We took the time to research and review each item so please know we would only recommend the best lightweight gear in terms of quality, usefulness, and overall reputation.

1) Backpack​

Osprey Aether 70 Backpack​

**Best Lightweight Backpacking Backpack**

The first step in building your collection of lightweight backpacking gear is a light but well-made backpack.  

Osprey Aether 70 Backpack

Osprey is one of the top names in hiking due to their consistent long lasting reputation and quality backpacks that they have been making for many years.

We love the look of their packs and the overall quality and design to go along with their comfortable feel. They offer simple, but useful packs that don’t weigh you down with heavy materials.

In case that’s not appealing enough, please know they offer a lifetime warranty in case the pack ever gets damaged and needs to be replaced.

Simply put, we love Osprey packs, and believe this pack could be the best one for your week long adventure.

Ready for a complete list of the absolute best backpacking backpacks in 2017?  We put to a detailed guide on the best of the best right here.

Day Hiking Backpacks

Osprey Daylite Backpack

Osprey Packs Daylite Daypack

​For those out there not wanting to buy the big weekend warrior backpacks, we put together a couple excellent daypacks to choose from.

The Osprey Daylight is a great choice if you are planning a shorter trek.

The pack is incredibly simple, with a smooth profile. The limited pockets should curb any temptations to over-pack.

That's not to say this pack is without features. There is the option to attach a hydration bladder and the large zippers mean you won't be fumbling to open the pack when on the road.

Large pockets to the side provide space for any additional outwear you choose to bring, while the keyclip provides the option for any essential attachments.

Deuter Speed Lite 20 Backpack

A durable choice to start your ultralight backpacking gear collection is the Deuter Speed Lite.

Deuter Speed Lit 20 Backpack

This is a sturdier bag with a more robust design.

The Speed Lite is still very lightweight, and as the name suggests it is intended for speed. It has a breathable design with well-shaped back paneling.

Like the Osprey model above, the Deuter Speed Lite has the option to attach essentials with its large loops and zippers.

Its pockets are also cleverly distributed and will make organizing your pack much easier. The chest and waist straps ensure the bag is stable when you're on the move.

This backpack shows that minimalized backpacking doesn't mean compromise on comfort and utility.

Ready to invest in a new daypack but want to see more options first?  We put together a list of the Top 5 Daypacks here.

2) Hiking Poles​

Cascade Mountain Tech Carbon Fiber Trekking Poles

Cascade Mountain Tech Trekking Poles

Trekking poles are one of the lightest and simplest pieces of kit you can add to your hiking collection.

They are unquestionably useful on a trek for people of any age and ability.

They really provide support and help on the knees in the downward portion of your trek. They propel you forward, distribute the strain away from your leg joints, and are handy tools if you need to clear debris out of your way.

Cascade Mountain Tech Carbon Fiber Quick Lock Trekking Poles

Minimalist hikers will want to get a pair of carbon fiber poles as they are very lightweight. I like these Cascade Mountain Tech hiking poles a lot.

Each pole weighs only 8oz and there is a quick lock system so you can adjust them as per your needs.

With the 100% guarantee, you'll be confident using these over any terrain.

3) Hammock or Tent​

Shelter is possibly the most cumbersome item you'll have to deal with on a hike.

Golden Eagle Camping Hammock

For those who like comfort, a simple tarp won't keep the nightlife of the wild away.

Lighter tents have thin bottoms that force you to either rough a night's sleep on top of tree roots or bring a sleeping pad which adds even more weight.

The solution is a hammock, one of my favorite pieces of all the ultralight backpacking gear. There is nothing quite like sleeping in the brisk fall air on a nice comfortable hammock.

Best Camping Hammock

The Golden Eagle lightweight hammock is made from breathable parachute nylon fabric and has triple-stitched seams, which means you don't have to worry about a rude awakening from ripping.

It's mildew resistant and machine washable, making it a great investment for hikers who want to travel light but not be out of pocket every few years.

3b) Alps Mountaineering Lynx 1 Tent

If a hammock is not for you and you prefer a more traditional camping experience, then fear not!

Alps Mountaineering Lynx 1 Tent

There are plenty of lightweight tent options available online.

The Alps Mountaineering Lynx is a great one-person tent choice for the minimalist hiker. The fly and floor seams are well constructed providing secure shelter against the elements.

However, this doesn't make the Lynx a stuffy sleeping experience as the half mesh walls aid airflow.

Alps Mountaineering Lynx Tent

The vestibule is roomy enough to store large packs while still allowing you enough space for a good night's sleep.

The tent's lightweight charm does mean that the floor is quite thin, so if you are a light sleeper, perhaps plan on taking a sleeping pad as well.

4) Water Bottles

CamelBak Chute 1L Water Bottle

Unless you have a hydration pack, water bottles are essential on the trail.

CamelBack Chute 1L

You simply can’t go without drinking water.

We really like these awesome CamelBak Chute water bottles as they not only look cool, but function well and are relatively lightweight (of course the water adds weight…).

The design is nice and leakproof and of course 100% BPA free. Like all there products they have a nice lifetime guarantee in case anything ever goes wrong.

At 1L of size we think you will love this latest edition from CamelBak.

Nalgene Tritan Wide Mouth Water Bottle

Nalgene Titan Water Bottle

This water bottle is the old classic of the water bottle industry.

Nalgene makes great products and excellent water bottles. I use this water bottle when hiking and camping and even use it in the office.

At 32 ounces, I try and make sure I drink at least one or two of them in the office each day.

It has a nice wide-mouth opening to fit in ice cubes or anything else you want to put inside.

The bottle is lightweight and sturdy and for me has lasted the test of time.

6) Sleeping Pad

Therm-a-Rest ProLite Plus Mattress

After doing many long hiking and camping trips, I have found yet another thing that I can’t seem to live without—a sleeping pad.

Therm-A-Rest Prolite Plus Mattress

For a good sleeping pad is essential to a good nights rest on the ground.

I find that although I still toss and turn a little bit it is nothing compared to that hard ground surface without a pad.

Nowadays, sleeping pads are lightweight easily compactible and inflatable.

They are well worth the additional weight to your pack.

I have found this Therm-a-Rest ProLite inflatable pad to be my favorite over the years. It is very lightweight and very compactable to less than the size of a basketball.

It has a nice warmth with a thick foam to ensure comfort when fully inflated. The pad advertises that it self-inflates but I have found it is better to just breathe into it for a minute or two to get it fully inflated.

Therm-a-Rest is your brand to go with and they made another excellent sleeping pad with the ProLite Plus.

7) Camping Pillow

Therm-a-Rest Compressible Pillow

Just like a good sleeping pad, I don’t ever go camping or long term hiking without a nice and comfortable compressible camping pillow.

Therm-A-Rest Compressible Pillow

Pillows are crucial to a good night’s sleep so why should I go without them when I am on the trail?

I have found these pillows to be extremely comfortable and cushiony to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Beyond that, they have withheld the test of time and still hold their shape and comfortability after a couple years.

Best part, once you finish a good night’s sleep, you can easily fold up the pillow into the small little pocket and store away for next time. It is easily collapsible in seconds and worth the extra dollars for a good night’s sleep without weighing down your pack.

Conclusion: What Do You Need Most?

I've looked at just a few options, highlighting the best of the best lightweight backpacking gear available online. You can easily build your collection of outdoor gear depending on your needs and preferences.

If you prefer a little more comfort but want to remain light on your feet, then a lightweight tent is the right choice for you. A hammock is a smart and super lightweight way to bring shelter and not overfill your pack for those nature naturalists out there.

Sleeping Bag

Without a doubt, you want to get a comfortable lightweight and durable pack like the Osprey Aether 70.  ​

A cold climate sleeping bag is also something that could go a long way if you want to sleep in cold evenings.

Camping cookers, rope, and utensils are some other accessories you can use to “pimp your hike” and keep the pounds to a minimum.

A light hiker is a happy hiker, after all.

Did I miss anything?

Let me know if there is any other lightweight backpacking gear that you absolutely can’t live without.

On the market for a new hiking backpack? We put together a thorough guide of the Best Hiking Backpacks in 2017.  Check it out HERE.

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Best Hiking Backpacks, Hiking Backpack Reviews

Best Hiking Backpacks in 2019 | In-Depth Review Guide

Hiking is awesome.

The meeting of humankind and nature on a brisk hike can inspire and invigorate and comes with an abundance of health benefits.

Osprey Mens Aether 70

I hike because I love to be in nature and experience the beauty around me. The polluted city air pales in comparison to the brisk fresh air of a nearby state park.

Beyond that, I love the journey and how each step moves me one foot closer to my goal of getting to the end.

As humans, we love accomplishing things, and there is nothing quite like the feeling of accomplishment after you have reached the peak of a tall mountain.

Though hiking can be a cost-free pursuit, there are many ways to enhance the experience. Having a comfortable, lightweight backpack is one of the ways to do that.

I'm going to look at the best hiking backpacks, taking into account a range of specifications that can improve your long walks in the wilderness.

From capacity to cost to durability, our hiking backpack reviews cover the top backpacks on the market in terms of quality, comfortability, and price among other things.

Best Backpacks For Hiking – Article Structure

As mentioned earlier, we measured the lightweight design with the overall durability and quality of construction when choosing our top packs.

hiking backpack reviews

We also considered other factors such as breathability, cool features and organization, and of course overall value. Without a doubt, we only chose brands that had an excellent reputation in the marketplace and have been known to deliver on everything they say they do over time.

The way we structured this article is in three parts in this order:

1) Hiking Backpack Buyer’s Guide – If you are interested, we tell you what to look for in a hiking backpack and what we used to rate our top packs. If you just want to see the top packs for each category, just skip down to section 3, 4, or 5. In each of the three sections we listed our “Editors Choice” Top pick along with our “Best Value” pick for affordability.

2) Top Hiking Backpack Brands In this portion, we shared our favorite brands among the many to choose from in the market place. Again, we only mention the best.

3) Best Extended Trip Hiking Backpacks (5+ Day Trips) First, we outlined the best extended trip hiking backpacks for those going on those long hiking and camping trips that go for a week or longer. The packs are larger in size, but are still great to use.

4) Best Multi-Day Hiking Backpacks (2-6 Day Trips) – Next, we laid out the top multi-day hiking backpacks that serve the needs of those hikers going on trips for longer than a day, but shorter than a full week.

5) Day Hiking Backpacks (1 Day Trips) – Finally, we noted the top 5 packs for those day hikers out there. As always, we made clear the absolute best day packs for hiking and gave a few options at the end that serve the affordable consumer well.

Feel free to skip down to whatever section you are looking for or read through the whole article if you want to be best informed on the top hiking packs on the market.

After finishing the article, we recommend our latest list of the Top 10 Day Hikes in all of the United States. I hope you check out a couple!

Hiking Backpack Buyers Guide

As hiking has evolved as a hobby, so too has the required gear.

The breadth of backpacking gear on the market can be overwhelming. Let's take a look at some of the important factors you want to consider when choosing your next backpack.


The needs of the backpack change based on the type of hiking trip you are going to take.

Best Backpacks for Hiking

Personal Needs should be at the top of your list of requirements when buying a new backpack. Each hiker’s needs are different. Think carefully about what yours are and choose your backpack accordingly.

The most important aspect when deciding this is size. Sizing of backpacks are made in liters which is the amount of liters of water that could fill the backpack.

Hiking packs can range from smaller day-trippers of 20-40 liters (think 40 1-liter Nalgene bottles) to larger expedition sizes upwards of 75 liters. It's important to choose the capacity that's right for your trip.

Check our Guidance Below:

Extended Week or More Trips: Recommended 70 liters and up

Weekend to Week-Long Trips: Recommended 40-70 liters

Daypacks for Day Trips: Recommended Up to 40 liters


Are the materials durable? Are the seams well stitched? Is there all-weather coating on the outer cover? There's a lot to think about in choosing the best-made backpacks.

It is incredibly important when buying a good hiking backpack as you want one that will endure all kinds of weather and terrain. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, your backpack will be abused by the great outdoors.

Top hiking backpacks

Hey, you’re in the great outdoors after all. It’s important to choose one that will be long-lasting and give you good value over time so you aren’t having to shell out more cash a year from now (unless you want a new one).

We only reviewed the best of the best hiking packs and ones that had an excellent reputation and that lasted the test of time.


Internal frames are better at load bearing but because they hug the body, an external frame is better for ventilation.  Although often times the frame is overlooked, it is certainly something to consider depending on the climate you're hiking in.

Unique Features

The features certainly of a pack certainly play a role. The features should be matched along with your personal needs.

Will you be hiking on terrain that requires a lot of tools and extra accessories?  Then you need a back with big belt loops and lots of pockets.

Will you be sleeping outdoors? A camper will soon feel the benefit of a special compartment for a sleeping bag or wet laundry. We certainly made sure to consider the best camping backpack reviews in our extended trip choices.

**Heading to a wet climate?  If you are looking for excellent waterproof backpack check out this article.​


Most Affordable Hiking Backpack

The price should feature less prominently on your list of requirements as a backpack is a long-term investment.

However, for many, it is still important.

Casual hikers can afford to look at cheaper models, while serious trekkers will see the benefit of more expensive lightweight materials and construction that provides durability through any journey.

If you are going to take hiking seriously, take your pack serious as well.

Best Hiking Backpack Brands

Hiking daypack reviews

As you will come to notice, I mostly recommend the following three brands in my hiking pack reviews: Osprey for overall quality and versatility, Deuter in a close second, and lastly Teton as our value pick for those looking for a great backpack at an affordable price.

We also really liked CamelBak for the shorter range hikes as their packs are smaller and lightweight with an awesome hydration bladder system. As mentioned later, I simply love using the CamelBaks.

Let's take a closer look at them below.


Osprey Backpack

Hailing from the state that gives us Silicon Valley and Hollywood, this Californian company is incredibly innovative in its backpack design and is relentless in their quality control and customer service.

Born in 1974, it now dominates the hiking backpack industry and continues to build on its pioneering reputation.

It is a well-known and the natural choice for buyers given its popularity, ubiquity on the trails and overall reliability.

It’s fair to say that your first Osprey may be your last backpack purchase for years to come due to great manufacturing and legendary service.

The company offers a lifetime warranty, showing serious confidence in the product. They gladly repair or replace (if necessary) any backpack anytime!

​Below you will find reviews of the best Osprey backpacks available on the market today.


Deuter Speed Lite 20

Deuter is a serious heavy-hitter on the hiking backpack market.

Founded in Germany in 1898, this company used to provide the bags for Bavarian Royal Mail.  Now that is some serious backpacking cred!

From there, the company continued to grow and has long been one of the first choices of suppliers for European expeditions, and has provided gear for the German Olympic team for many years.

These bags are well-designed, durable, and innovative.

TETON Sports

TETON Sports Oasis 1100

TETON Sports boasts cheaper prices than most big names on the market.

For casual hikers who are more cost conscious, this could be a better overall choice. What you gain in extra money in your pocket, you perhaps lose in lightweight build and clever design.

However, TETON Sports sees favorable reviews on a number of platforms even when tested over a longer period of time.

They make great backpacks and are really building a name for themselves among value conscious hikers, as well as some seasoned trekkers.

That among other things is why they’ve made our list.

Best Extended Trip Hiking Backpacks (5+ Day Trips)

Are you about to go to a faraway adventure (or nearby park)?  Do you need lots of space to keep all of your gear, clothing, and food?  If you are going on a trip of 5 days or more it might be best to get a full sized hiking bag.

Below, we start with our top picks and finish with our best affordable hiking backpacks choices which offer a super backpack at a great price.

Backpacking Backpack Reviews| Comparison Chart​

Let’s begin by taking a look at my first choice among the extensive trips section of our backpacking reviews.

1) Osprey Aether 70 Backpack

The Osprey Aether 70 is an incredibly lightweight backpack that has both the volume and the usefulness for longer treks.

Osprey Aether 70 Backpack

It’s no wonder why it is our overall top pack and the most comfortable hiking backpack that we reviewed or tested.

The range of pockets offer superb ease of organization, and the hip belt has storage for tools and those all-important snacks.

You'll feel like batman when considering the usefulness of the waist belt.

Design and comfortability is right at the center of the positive feedback when reviewing this backpack.

Zippers have large loops that make access easy when on the move or when wearing large gloves, and the chest strap buckle will share your load more evenly.

Ventilation is great due to the AirScape back panel which makes it feel cool when you are burning up inside. The additional features, including the safety whistle and hydration panel are the icing on the cake and make this backpack a true all-star.

The Aether also comes in a nice looking women’s model as well that ranks as the best women’s 70 liter pack.

2) Osprey Aether 85 Backpack

Need a little extra size for a slightly longer hike?

Osprey Men's Aether 85 Backpack

Osprey also offers an 85 liter pack to make the longest of journeys an absolute breeze.

This pack tops our list as the best thru hike backpack due to its spacious size matches its great features.

With all the cool features of the Osprey Aether 70 it might be worth it to size up a little bit if you have a lot of gear or food to carry on your next camping trip.

The pack offers nice hip belt pockets to keep your phone or camera handy with you at all times in case you see a bear and want a quick pic.

Hopefully, you don’t see one (unless you live life on the wild side), but either way it is nice to have handy pockets where you don’t have to set your pack down every time you want to grab a snack.

Osprey Men's Aether 85 Backpack

It’s got a nice wide mouth opening sleeping bag compartment and is well organized on the inside to keep your clothes and other items easily accessible.

If you need a little extra space and want the best of the best packs for hiking on the longest of trips, go with the Osprey Aether 85.

We promise, it won’t let you down.

High Sierra Appalachian 75

We have found there packs to be well put together structurally without sacrificing comfortability and coolness.

The contoured frame bar shapes nicely to the structure of your back. Without a doubt, we loved the simplicity of the pack and how easy it was to change sizes to fit to your particular hiking build.

The pack is very spacious on the inside with 75 liters of space. A few convenient pockets on the outside complete the outstanding features of the High Sierra Appalachian 75.

High Sierra Appalachian 75

With a few color choices to choose from, we know you will like the stylish appeal of the Appalachian 75 while being sold at a mid-range value price point.

Click below to check the latest price.

4) Deuter ACT Lite 65+10 Backpack

The Deuter ACT Lite is a serious hiker's backpack.

Deuter ACT Lite 65+10 Backpack

The extremely durable material and abundance of different sized pockets accounts for some extra weight compared to other backpacks, but its utility and supreme construction are worth it.

The lid has gear attachment loops that won't break under the weight of ice axes, wrenches, and other considerable hiking tools.

The lightweight X frame, adjustable back length, and anatomically shaped shoulder straps make this pack a comfortable and a sturdy choice.

The stretch pockets, wet laundry department and additional 10L of storage round out the features on this excellent backpack.

5) Mountaintop 70L+10L Hiking Backpack

Making the pick for “Best Value” in the extended trips category of hiking backpacks is none other than the Mountaintop 70L+10L pack.

Mountaintop 70L+10L

At a great price point at below a hundred bucks at the time of the article, we found this pack superb in quality and even better in price.

The pack offers 10 excellent compression straps which makes shrinking the large size down easy to do and store away on an airplane.

The back length is effortlessly adjustable to allow the pack to fit for your actual height.

Like a few of the other packs listed, they offer a built in rain cover to protect you on your long journey in case of inclement weather.

If you are hesitant to try out this newer hiking brand, you should feel secure to know that Mountaintop offers a 90-day limited manufacturer’s warranty in case anything goes wrong.

Best Multi-Day Hiking Backpacks (2-5 Day Trips)

Going on a long hiking or camping trip, but don’t want a humongous backpack that holds you back at the airport or weighs you down in the final days?

We put together a list of our five best multi-day hiking backpacks that best suit those hikers going on 2-5 day trips.

Multi-Day Hiking Backpacks Comparison Chart​

Personally, I like the mid-range size the most as it is not too big to weigh you down, but at the same time is versatile enough to go on long trips.  

If you pack well it can even be used on short day hikes if needed.

Check out our outstanding list below.

1) Osprey Atmos 65 AG Backpacks

This backpacks key word is “comfort.”

Osprey Atmos 65

The ExoForm/ BioStretch shoulder raps and breathable back-panelling make for a very enjoyable hiking experience. The hip strap design also provides great weight distribution.

A little smaller than the Aether 70, this weekend warrior our choice for the best 3 day backpack. The Atmos is very light and sports some great features.

The pockets are well positioned and allow for easy access to water bottles and accessories while still on the move.

The removable lid pocket also means that each hiker has more control over what the backpack looks and feels like on each individual hike.

Have a lighter trek?

Simply take the lid off and leave it at home. There are still plenty of pockets you can use.

Osprey Men's Stratos 50

For those looking for that nice midrange backpack, we believe Osprey delivers yet again with this exceptional 50 liter hiking backpack.

It’s perfect for those shorter weekend trips without holding you back on those longer weeklong trips. We found this pack to be just the right size for success.

**Key to note, it is not too big or obtrusive to take with you when you travel so for me, that is a real plus.

Beyond that, we really liked the comfortable inside out compression straps and well-padded hip belt to keep the weight of the pack distributed to where your power come from, the legs.

Osprey Stratos 50

Perhaps the coolest feature that we liked is the integrated rain cover to keep your clothes and gear dry during those wet and blistery conditions.

Personally, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve regretted not having a rain cover during wet outings.

There are an excellent array of pockets found all around the pack. Without a doubt, we know you will come to love the Osprey Stratos 50 as we do.

This is without a doubt our best 50 liter backpack choice.

TETON Sports Scout 3400

This TETON offering wins on overall value alone.

However, the Scout 3400 is a great backpack with durability and style beyond its modest price.

At 55L it's considerably smaller than my first choice, but once again, if your treks demand less gear than this may be the backpack for you.

The adjustable torso length means that you can fit this bag to your stature, and its smaller size makes it suitable as carry on luggage if your hike requires air travel to get there.

There's a bottom compartment for a sleeping bag, and a bungee strap up front should you wish to bring a sleeping pad or additional outerwear.

Altogether, great value for your money and we know you will like this pack.

4) Deuter Aircontact 60 + 10 SL Pack

The second Deuter backpack on my list is the Aircontact 60+10 SL Pack.

Deuter Aircontact 60+10

At 60L, plus an additional 10L of storage space this pack is closer in size to my TETON Sports selection, but with the range of storage available it shouldn't be written off for longer hikes.

Given it's size, the ACT Trekking Lite is naturally much lighter than the other models listed here, and the beauty of this pack is that the anatomic X frame and highly breathable back will make it feel even lighter still.

Deuter Aircontact 60+10 SL

The adjustable back size and removable 10L of storage allow you to fit this pack to your needs.

We have found that the pack comfortably distributes the weight evenly throughout the pack.

Like the ACT Lite above in the extrended trips category, it is also compatible with hydration systems and has attachments for ice poles and other tools if needed.

5) OutdoorMaster Hiking Backpack 50L

We took a stab and decided to review another up and coming brand in the hiking space.

OutdoorMaster 50L Backpack

The OutdoorMaster 50 liter backpack delivers a great pack at an even better price point.

Although perhaps not the swiftest looking multi-day pack that we have reviewed, we wanted to make sure to offer an option for those extra cash conscious hikers.

The price it is selling at is unbelievably low for the amount of space and size that it represents (50 liters).

Just like the Osprey Stratos backpack listed above, OutdoorMasters offers a rain cover to keep the pack dry during heavy rain. A very nice add on if I do say so myself.

OutdoorMaster 50L

Still, we found the pack to be very comfortable while having some useful organizing pockets, and a respectable waist strap to properly distribute the weight of the pack.

If you are looking for a good multi-day pack at a fantastic price, for sure this OutdoorMaster hiking backpack is the way to go.

Best Day Hiking Backpacks (1 Day Trips)

Once again, Osprey easily finds itself at the top of our list for the top backpack for day hikes.

They have an excellent brand and reputation that has held up over time. But beyond that, it is clearly the luxury brand in the hiking marketplace as they pride themselves on top quality packs that are durable and comfortable.

Day Hiking Packs Comparison Chart​

If you are about to embark on another day hike, grab yourself one of the best daypacks on the market.

Just click the titles or images below to see Amazons amazing prices and fast shipping.

1) Osprey Packs Talon 22 Backpack

Osprey Packs Talon 22

We love the Osprey Talon 22 as it has a nice size, 22 liters, but is still extremely lightweight and comfortable.

Buying a lightweight pack is crucial for short hikes as you often times go for the more strenuous climbs when day hiking.

The last thing you want to be is held down by a little extra weight as you are finishing your final mile.

We know you will love the Talon 22 as it has some excellent stretch mesh pockets and openings and a nice and comfortable hip belt as well.

All these things considered, it’s no wonder this pack made our list for top hiking daypack in 2019.

Osprey Packs Daylite Daypack

Okay, so you are probably thinking by this point, wow I am sick of hearing about Osprey.

Sorry about that, but we only recommend the best of the best and Osprey delivers on all their packs.

Just like the Osprey Talon 22 listed above, these daypacks have awesome front-zippered pocked and organizers throughout the pack making grabbing snacks on a the go a breeze.

Just like all their packs, the ventilation is second to none which makes those hot, sweaty hikes much less miserable.

Whether you are going hiking, biking, or just for a long walk, this is yet another great choice for your next daypack.

3) Deuter Speed Lite Backpack

For those willing to give those friendly Europeans a shot, Deuter offers a slew of first-rate hiking backpacks.

Deuter Speed Lit 20 Backpack

Deuter, a German brand, delivers on great quality and excellent feel.

You will not be surprised to find great reviews for their packs all over the world and particularly the Speed Lite daypack delivers on all phases of the game.

It has a nice padded and breathable back panel to keep you comfortable along the journey.

Really not too many negatives of note on this pack unless you carry large water bottles like a 32-ounce Nalgene. We have found the side pockets to be a tad too small to hold them.

Priced securely in the same range as Osprey, we think you will like this Deuter Speed Lite Backpack if you decide to make that choice.

Check them out below…

4) CamelBak Cloud Walker 18 Hydration Pack

CamelBak is yet another powerhouse in the hiking industry.

Camelbak Cloud Walker 18 Hydration Pack

They deliver some totally rad daypacks with a really cool water hydration system.

Just like in anything, drinking water is so crucial to keeping you fresh and hydrated on your dayhike. CamelBak has delivered on this with their fun to use water hydration systems.

Seriously, I actually enjoy drinking water when I can use there easy to use water nozzle where I can easily sip water without even lifting a finger. You just fill up the hydration bladder and then you are good to go.

Beyond the cool water hydration system, we found this pack to be very comfortable and we absolutely loved its low profile design.

Just like Osprey, CamelBak offers superb customer service and a lifetime guarantee on all their packs.

If you want an excellent pack and need a fun way to drink water, we think you should go with this sweet CamelBak Cloud Walker 18.

TETON Sports Oasis 1100

We have found TETON Sports to be the up and comer in the outdoor hiking industry.

As the brand is newer and less established, we saw that their packs are priced considerably less than some of the other high reputation brands listed above.

Due to the excellent price point, the TETON Sports Oasis 1100 easily makes our best value pick for hiking daypacks.

Beyond the great price, we loved that the pack was lightweight and comfortable to wear.

Just like the prodigious CamelBak Cloud Walker listed above, this pack comes with a nice 2 liter hydration bladder to make sipping water a cinch.

In case you are afraid to try out a newer brand like TETON Sports, just know that they offer an excellent customer service and a limited lifetime warranty.

Ready for an excellent daypack at a great price, we think you will love the TETON Sports Oasis 1100 pack.

Conclusion: What Is The Best Hiking Backpack?

Do you feel like an expert in the hiking backpack world yet?

We hope you have learned a few things and are left with a good understanding of the best hiking backpacks for when the time is right for your next investment.

Buying the best trekking backpack that accompanies you on the lightest of walks to the most straining of journeys is no small task. There is plenty to consider when making your choice, from size, to utility, to durability.

All of the choices I've outlined in our reviews will make a hiker happy; they are all great products and we wouldn’t recommend them otherwise.

What's most important is to look at the kind of terrain you will cover and the conditions you encounter and make your search from there.

So by now, you might be wondering, "Which hiking backpack do I choose?"

Well, for one, we tried to make it easy for you, we made our “Editors Choice” top picks in each of the three sections above.

Smaller, simpler daypacks like the CamelBak Cloud Walker 18 or lightweight multi-day packs like the Osprey Stratos 50 will make strenuous hikes faster and are generally less work.

But if you are going on a long hiking adventure where you will be camping out for many nights (5+ nights) we definitely recommend shelling out the dollars to purchase a high reputation, proven bag like the Osprey Aether 70. There’s always more stuff to pack than you originally think.

Sizing is important so make sure you go with the correct size that matches the length of your trip.

Whatever your choice, happy trekking! Let us know where your next hiking adventure leads you.

Now that you have your new pack, are you ready to take on the world? We created a short, but in depth list of the Top 10 Hikes in the United States. We hope you check out our list and plan your next adventure!

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Best Waterproof Backpacks

Best Waterproof Backpacks in 2019

Last Updated: October 23rd, 2019

There is a lot resting on a good waterproof backpack.

Kopack Slim Business Laptop Backpacks

How well the bag is designed impacts your comfort, but also your safety too.

When going on a long hike or just a short day trip, we are often at the mercy of the elements.

If important gear, clothes, or worse work documents get wet we can be in big trouble. That's why choosing the best waterproof backpack is so crucial.

In order to make your search a little easier, I've chosen my top waterproof or water resistant backpacks available online. I'll be looking at the construction, the design, and the versatility to make my choices.

Best Waterproof Backpacks

In order to make it easier to digest for your particular needs I have separated our top waterproof packs into two lists:

We separated them out in two different sections with the commuters section first.  For those hiking enthusiasts click the link where it says, "Best Waterproof Backpacks For Hiking."

In both cases, we only chose backpacks with an established reputation where we have found their packs to hold up well and maintain quality, while still at the same time shedding out the rain.

Whether you are using this pack for your daily commute to the office or for your next hiking excursion, we believe you will like these packs.

Best Waterproof Backpacks For Travelers

We put a premium on packs that look nice, are comfortable, and most importantly block out the rain from getting inside your pack and ruining your documents/electronics.

In all three cases, you will find great, handy packs that with excellent interior and exterior pockets for all your books.  We valued easy of use and want to make sure you laptop can be slided in and out with any issues (and staying dry in the process).

We know you will love our top 3 list below.​

1) Kopack Slim Business  Backpack

We loved this backpack because of it’s slick design and outstanding comfortability.

Kopack Slim Business Laptop Backpacks

The fabric is great and appealing while still offering excellent water resistance.

The pack comes with an excellent array of pockets for on the inside to easily place your laptop, books, and papers. It makes for pulling them out effortlessly.

Beyond that, I like that the backpack has excellent zippers that won’t bust open if a thief uses a sharp tool.

Kopack Slim Business Laptop Backpacks

Amazingly, this is backpack also is offered at a very affordable price as of the time of this article.

For the high quality design and excellent materials used, we believe this backpack is a steal of a deal and our top pick for travelers and commuters.

We know you will like this sleek looking waterproof resistant bag.

2) Under Armour Storm Hustle II

The Under Armour Storm Hustle II offers another nifty water resistant pack with some unique aspects to its design.

Under Armour Storm Hustle 2 Backpack

First, for those usual commuters who like to take their work with them wherever they go, there is a 15" soft-lined sleeve for laptops.

The front is also water-repellent for any valuables you might take with you be it papers or electronics.

The bag has a very simple layout with no chest strap, so be careful when carrying very heavy loads as you will miss that weight distribution.

As well as being well constructed overall, the bottom panel is very tough for travellers that aren’t very careful when setting their backpack down.

Under Armour makes great products and quite frankly, we know you will like this wonderful new pack.​

3) Uoobag Waterproof Business Laptop Backpack

Yet another great business laptop backpack at an affordable price.

Uoobag Waterproof Business Backpack

This one really battled with our top choice, the Kopack Slim, as it also a nice sleek look with a couple cool looking colors to choose from.

It has a really nice polyester lining that makes the backpack repel any water that comes its way.

Inside, the pockets are very handy for all your belongings to quickly place in and take out trouble free. The zippers seem to work very effectively without error.

Uoobag KT-01 Waterproof Business Laptop Backpack

If style is important to you, they sell a couple nice black or grey colors to choose from.

Take a look at it and you will find that customers love this backpack and you can purchase it for a very affordable price!

​Best Hiking Backpack Raincover

Osprey Ultralight Raincover

Osprey UltraLight Raincover

Before I begin, it’s worth mentioning that if you already have a hiking backpack you’re comfortable with and don’t wish to swap it out for a waterproof pack, it’s worth considering a waterproof cover for your bag.

Many of the top brands for the top hiking backpacks have some level of water resistance to them so it is not like you are making a huge sacrifice to buy a rain cover and order a top brand.  

Personally, I really like this UltraLight Raincover from Osprey (and we know you will too).  

Click the button below to check out the latest pricing on Amazon...

By the way, we created an Ultimate Guide of the Best Hiking Backpacks available on the market right here!  

Best Waterproof Backpacks For Hiking

We know you are here to see the best waterproof ​hiking backpacks and we have done just that. We compiled an excellent list of the tried and tested waterproof hiking backpacks (plus an honorable mention).

 Check the list out below and find the one that best suits your needs...

1)Patagonia Black Hole 25L Backpack

The Patagonia Black Hole backpack is as serious as its name suggests.

Patagonia Black Hole Backpack 25L

This sleek black bag is one of the best waterproof backpacks available online.

Its glossy aesthetic appearance is a walking advertisement for its water repellent construction. Though the high-shine finish may not be for everyone.

Made from ripstop fabric, the Patagonia Black Hole is a tough bag that will see you through all the elements, no matter the load.

A chest strap will also ensure there isn't too much movement or slippage on the move.

You'll be grateful for this extra stability if the heaven's open and the walking floor becomes slippery.

Top-loaded and well-padded, you can trust this pack to keep all your important goods safe wherever your off to.

Aqua Quest Sport 30 Pro Dry Backpack

One of the more expensive packs on my list is the Aqua Quest Sport 30 Pro.

This backpack is 100% waterproof but is still lightweight compared to some other waterproof models on the market.

The use of ripstop fabric makes this a durable choice, while the range of pockets gives this pack a versatile edge over some of its competitors.

Aqua Quest Sport 30 Pro - 100% Waterproof Dry Bag Backpack

The straps are broad, well-padded and comfortable while the chest and hip straps add that all-important stability.

This is a serious backpack for hikers who expect very wet conditions and who are carrying valuables such as HD cameras and laptops.

3) Phantom Aquatics Walrus 25 Waterproof Backpack

This roll-top 100% waterproof backpack from Phantom Aquatics makes the cut as the last of my five choices in the quest for the best waterproof backpack.

This pack is one of the more comfortable options available with its padded shoulder straps and great airflow at the back. With all straps connected, it also fits snugly to the body.

Though it is totally waterproof, there are some problems with condensation on the inside in hotter conditions.

So keep that in mind if you plan to use this bag in warmer environments.

The roll-top means your possessions are especially secure, while the choice of pockets allows you to organize the bag perfectly to your needs.

The top feature of this backpack is that if dropped in the water it floats. For those clumsy hikers like myself, that’s a useful benefit.

Sea To Summit Flow 35L Drypack

The Sea to Summit Flow Backpack 35L is a fully waterproof backpack with a few excellent features.

The waist strap is removable to suit your needs, and there is a hydration pouch separate from the dry compartments. It is well ventilated and has lots of padding on the back panel for increased comfort.

Sea to Summit Flow 35L DryPack

This pack is very large and does appear bulky at first glance. There are also a lot of straps that could annoy buyers who prefer a cleaner profile.

However, all that bulk and padding makes it a durable bag, and something of an investment if you plan on being out in wet conditions.

Summing It Up: Picking Your Pack

The importance of a pack that will keep your possessions safe cannot be overstated.

We take risks with our personal safety and our goods when we're hiking or just out and about, and the weather is an ever changing beast.

Therefore, it's important to invest in a backpack that will keep you and your valuables safe.

Kopack Slim Business Laptop Backpacks

I've looked at a broad range of packs above. Buying a nice backpack should be considered an investment, so it's important to consider your personal needs before making your final choice.

Think about space required, the conditions you plan to be in whether it be hiking or just daily commutes or short travels. If you travel or live in a place where it rains from time to time, it would probably be best to go with the top waterproof backpack, the Kopack Slim Business Backpack.

However, hikers that enjoy rainy climates, might be inclined to go with the Patagonia Black Hole 25L as it was our top waterproof hiking backpack.​

Whatever your choice, we have no doubt it will be a good one.  

We hope you liked our choices for the best waterproof backpacks in 2019.

Let us know what water resistant or waterproof backpack you like best.

Ready to take your next hiking journey serious?  We put together an In Depth Guide of the Top Hiking Backpacks for any duration.  Check it out HERE.

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Best Lightweight Hiking Backpacks

Best Ultra-Lightweight Hiking Backpacks in 2019

Hiking can be a serious business.

Not only do you have to pack all-weather clothes and provisions, you also feel the weight more as you begin to tire.  So why add extra pounds with any old backpack?

Osprey Mens Aether 70

In this detailed article, we want to provide you some great recommendations for lightweight comfortable backpacks that won’t slow you down when you’re on the hiking trail.

As fabric technology develops so too does outdoor gear design. Bags are getting lighter and lighter, which is great news for us hikers who want to stay light on our feet.

Here, I'm going to look at our top five best ultralight backpacks, focusing on design, weight, durability, and versatility.

Hopefully, I can do enough of the heavy lifting so you don't have to.

My best picks of lightweight day packs feature Osprey, CamelBak, and Deuter models.

They are some of the heavyweights in the hiking industry and for good reason. They deliver extremely comfortable and long lasting hiking backpacks with a name you can trust.

Top Weekend/ Day Hiking Backpacks (1-2 Days)

1) Osprey Packs Talon 22 Backpack

The first lightweight day pack on my list is the Osprey Packs Talon 22.

Osprey Packs Talon 22

The people at Osprey say that this pack will 'cling to your back like a frightened monkey' and to be honest we have found that they're not wrong.

The back panel with foam ridges hugs the body and is delightfully breathable, while the chest strap will keep the pack stable when you're moving over uneven terrain.

The interior is roomy and the features are versatile. Side mesh pockets give you plenty of options for storage.

The bags are almost unbelievably lightweight, but yet doesn’t sacrifice in the quality of the materials or overall structure of the pack. This is a tough little bag that you'll be hiking with for a long time.

Most importantly, this daypack comfortably fits to your back and is so lightweight that you won’t even notice it on you during your hike.

2) Osprey Daylite Backpack

The Osprey Daylite is the second pack from this Californian company on my list.

Osprey Packs Daylite Daypack

While the Talon 22 has a multitude of features, the Daylite has a much simpler concept. The body of the bag is streamlined and the outer pockets are limited.

The designers have kept the chest strap for stability, and the back panel has plenty of padding while maintaining breathability.

Features include a key clip and large loops and buckles, so you have access to the pack on the move.

The Daylite is a great size for a lightweight day pack, with enough room for all your hiking essentials.

3) Deuter Speed Lite 20 Backpack

Deuter have dominated the outdoor gear market since their beginnings in the 19th Century.

Deuter Speed Lit 20 Backpack

You can trust that with their experience and talent, they produce some of the best ultra light backpacks on the market.

The Deuter Speed Lite is no exception to this German company's classy reputation.

The pack has a grab handle, and nicely padded shoulder straps, with added stability from a hip belt and chest strap. The mesh back is comfortable adding to the pack's lightweight feel.

The main compartment's zippers have large loops which are great for attaching accessories or for opening the pack without stopping.

4) CamelBak Cloud Walker 18 Hydration Pack

This is a perfect sized bag for a day hike.

Camelbak Cloud Walker 18 Hydration Pack

Fitting easily onto my list of the best lightweight backpacks, the CamelBak Cloudwalker 18 is as light and as breezy as its name suggests.

Quite frankly, it’s like walking on clouds. Not really, but anyways it sounded cool.

The ripstop fabric makes the CamelBak Cloudwalker incredibly durable without losing any of its airiness. There is also a central air channel in the back panel that promises a comfortable hike no matter the climate.

This pack's key feature however is the hydration bladder.

With your bag organized and ready to go, you don't need to worry about water bottles slipping out of side pockets as the hydration bladder has you covered.

5) Deuter Race X Hiking Bag

Deuter proves once again that they make some of the top lightweight backpacks available with the Race X.

Deuter Race X

As the name suggests, this pack is about speed, airiness and cool.

Starting with speed, the design is bright, bold and smart. Well-marked pockets and zippers make organizing your pack easy and fast.

You won't be fumbling with this bag when on the move or in cold temperatures.

Mesh shoulder straps means the Hiking Race X is very breathable and the central airstrip in the back panel aids further airflow.

In terms of cool, the design is edgy and confident; you won't be missed when out in the wilderness.

Unsiex Version

Deuter Race X
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Top Multi-Day Hiking Backpacks (3+ Days)

Although the daypack reviews above are considerably lighter and best for shorter trips. There comes a time when you will need a pack for longer than a few nights.

When these longer trips come into play you will need to pick up one of the best multi-day hiking backpacks to carry all your clothes, equipment, and food.

Below, we outline our three favorites and offer a best value cheaper option at the end.

1) Osprey Aether 70 Backpack

If you can’t tell by now we are huge Osprey fans.

Osprey Aether 70 Backpack

I have used there packs consistently as they make arguably the best packs on the market. They have a great reputation and it is for good reason.

Although the daypacks are much lighter, Osprey does a great job of putting in great lightweight, but durable materials in all there packs.

We love the LightWire frame that transfer the weight to the hipbelt and makes it easier to carry around all the heavy equipment.

As expected, this pack has oodles of great compartments for storing all your gear and sleeping equipment.

Osprey Atmost 65

Osprey again put out another excellent multi-day pack at a slightly smaller frame than the one listed above.

But yet, it is still comparable at 65 Liters size.

They have excellently comfortable straps and the hip belt is fantastic.

The pack comes with a nice adjustable harness and a top lid that comes off if needed. In case you doubt it’s comfort, the company boasts an anti-gravity suspension providing it with a perfect fit.

Personally, we love this pack and we have found that this pack has rated out as high as any pack out there.

If you are ready for a new, lightweight hiking backpack, we know this one will satisfy all your needs.

3) TETON Sports Scout 3400

Teton Sports easily makes our best value option in the top lightweight hiking backpacks category.

TETON Sports Scout 2400 Internal Pack

The pack has great comfortability at a 55 liter capacity (slightly less room than the previous two offerings). The pack is wonderfully lightweight at less than 5 pounds.

It is important to note that we found this pack to be a little less comfortable and the pockets not nearly as accessible as the Ospreys listed above.

However, that is to be expected at a much lower price point.

In case you are hesitant to try out a new brand, TETON Sports offers a Limited Lifetime Warranty and seems to really value satisfying their customers if something goes wrong.

If you are looking to save money and need a mid range multi-day pack, we believe the TETON Sports Scout 3400 is the way to go!

Unisex Version

TETON Sports Scout 3400
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Summing It Up: Picking The Best Pack

I've looked at some great, innovative ultra light backpacks from some of the best manufacturers on the market.

The top options range from the simple and straight-forward packs such as the Osprey Day Lite to versatile bags like the CamelBak Cloudwalker 18 with an included hydration bladder.

Before you choose your pack you should think about which style suits your needs best. If you use the pack for a variety of purposes, then more pockets will help you organize your day more.

However, if you want ease of use and roominess, then a simple pack like the Osprey Aether 70 will be more than likely be your style.

The wealth of packs available online can overwhelm you the buyer, but hopefully my guide has lightened your load.

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Best Day Hiking Backpacks

Best Day Hiking Backpacks in 2019 | Top 5 Daypack Reviews

Last Updated: September 19th, 2019

It's never been more important to step away from our electronics and dive into nature.

Osprey Packs Talon 22

With the onset of smart devices and the demand for round-the-clock online contact, it can be hard to find significant time away from the internet.

Personal health retreats and mindfulness seminars are becoming more and more popular.

Quite frankly, we think there is nothing that gets the blood flowing and invigorated in nature like a nice day hike.

That's what makes day trekking so beneficial. We can fill our lungs with fresh air and still be home in time to finish projects or be back home for the big game at night.

Want to know what the best day hiking backpack is?  

We’ve got you covered, just check out the below chart or the in-depth product reviews of our favorite 5 below.

Day Backpack Reviews Comparison Chart

What To Look For In A Daypack

Since we are only hiking for a day, our day hiking backpack reviews are focused on being comfortable, lightweight, and high quality.

Quite frankly, we wanted a pack that can easily be taken on an airplane, but still have the storage and versatility to handle an intense day hike.

Thus, we put a premium on packs with great ventilation, handy pockets, and an overall comfortable feel. We certainly don’t want a pack that is a hindrance in its design or holds you down in any way.

Looking for more than just a daypack?  We put together a new guide of the best multi-day and weeklong journey packs in this in depth Post.​

Top 5 Hiking Daypacks

Osprey made the top of my list of best backpack brands.

Particularly, we love Osprey because of their excellent reputation and world renown lifetime warranty. They will repair or replace (if needed) any backpack purchased!

Still not convinced?  

Take a look at the 5 minute video on the Osprey backpack production process and see how much time and effort is put into each and every pack.

Below, we’ll look at the five best day hiking backpacks for each one’s budgets and needs. If you are going to take hiking serious, it’s time to take your hiking backpack serious.

1. Osprey Packs Talon 22 Backpack

The Osprey Talon is a technical backpack that is a sure favorite for many day backpackers and we believe it is the best Osprey daypack.

Osprey Packs Talon 22

Lightweight with breathable webbing, this pack is all about comfort. As a day backpack, it is simple but has some keen features should you need them like a trekking pole attachment and an ice tool attachment.

This mid-sized backpack is great for brisk walks or even adventure runs. If you're into more challenging excursions this pack provides plenty of space for all your gear.

Looking for a daypack with a hip belt?  

Well, this one has you covered so you can easily distribute more weight to your legs and less weight to your shoulders. The hip belt has a nice cushiony padding to prevent soreness at the hips.

Beyond that, the webbing,straps and hip belt are adjustable which means you can fit this nifty pack to your own needs, and be right on your way.

2. Osprey Daylite Backpack

Yet, another on the top of our hiking daypack reviews list is the Osprey Daylight backpack.

Osprey Packs Daylite Daypack

This is the second Osprey backpack we recommend and is perfect for those short adventures in you.

This pack is all about simplicity. It is light and does not overwhelm with a plethora of pockets and loops. They seemed to think through every feature and possible need you might havein a day hike.

The Daylite is a well-constructed backpack with room for a hydration bladder, large zippers that are easy to use while on the move and a handy key clip.

The side pockets are a little on the large side, so it's recommended you accessorize your bottles to the bag so as not to lose them on a trek.

Overall, this is a top in class backpack and well worth a place on this list.

Deuter Speed Lit 20 Backpack

With over one hundred years of pack-making experience, Deuter is a heavy hitter in outdoor gear and its backpack easily makes our list of the best backpacks for day hikes.

The Deuter Speed Lite is no exception to the company's well-deserved reputation.

As the name suggests, this is a light pack intended for speed on the ground for its wearer.

With a breathable, nicely shaped back it should be comfortable no matter what climate you're hiking in.

With a chest and hip belt, it's got double the lateral support of many daypacks, giving it more stability for faster hikes or wilderness races.

4. CamelBak Cloud Walker 18 Hydration Pack

The CamelBak day hiking backpacks are fantastic.

Camelbak Cloud Walker 18 Hydration Pack

They are the name brand for their legendary hydration pack systems, but we have also found them to make excellent ultra-lightweight hiking packs.

Incredibly versatile, this pack is as at home on the daily commute as it is in unforgiving terrain. Featuring a superb water reservoir makes drinking water easy to do and fun to use.

I remember when I got my first Camelback, it was like discovering a new and better way to hike.

I wondered why I ever wasted the time lugging around water bottles when I could just drink it from the smooth effortless camelback suction cup.

I enjoyed using it so much that I even considered using it in my workplace.

But then I thought otherwise when I thought of all the weird looks I would get (I would only have to go to the water cooler once a day...).

As mentioned, this Camelback is extremely lightweight and very comfortable. If you have some weighty items inside, it featuresa nice cushiony straps. The chest strap provides security when scaling rocky slopes or navigating overgrown forest floors.

It is light and sturdy and has enough room for towels, snacks, and other essentials with its organizer pockets and side compressions.

Beyond all that, Camelback offers a lifetime warranty on all their packs in case anything ever goes wrong. It’s a can’t lose offer!

We think you will find this pack perfect for your next day hike.  Check out the pricing on the men and women's versions below by clicking on the image.

TETON Sports Oasis 1100

Due to its excellent price point, this bag easily wins the best value award.

Loaded with cool features, this pack is like the Camelback mentioned above and has an excellent hydration pack system for sipping water throughout your hike.

It’s small and lightweight with multiple pockets to make it very useful for carrying things during your day hike. It's suitable for a day at school or the office, but still tough enough for the weekend warrior in you.

Just like the brands we have listed in all our day hiking pack reviews, they offer an excellent limited lifetime warranty and superb customer service.

We have found that if you have a problem, they will for sure take care of it. They know their reputation is at stake and they deliver on their promises.

If you are looking to save some money and still get a great daypack, we believe this TETON Sports offering may just be your best bet!

It’s important to note that like Deuter, TETON Sports seeks to provide backpacks that are made for both men and women and thus their backpacks offer a nice unisex feel to them.

Both links below will take you to the same backpack.

Conclusion: What’s The Best Daypack?

What was your favorite backpack on the list?

Are you looking for comfort and a lightweight build, or versatility and durability?

We hope we gave you a nice list to choose from to fit your particular needs. Whichever backpack you choose, make sure it matches your personal needs and is stylish enough for you to take with you on your next hike.

Ultimately, we believe the best packs are not only useful and comfortable, but are long-lasting over time. For that reason, we only recommended high-quality packs with an outstanding reputation in the hiking marketplace.

Hiking daypack reviews

That’s why we like the Osprey daypacks the most as they have the best reputation and some of the top backpacks in the hiking industry. We recommend you go with either the Osprey Talon 22 or Osprey Daypack.

But the choice is yours. You must be the judge in what you are looking for be it price point or overall quality as that will determine how successful your purchase is.

There’s a mountain of research on the variety of backpacks available and my hope is our list has clarified your options and brought you one step closer to your next wilderness adventure.

Looking for a little more than just a hiking daypack?  We put together an excellent in depth review that breaks down the absolute Best Hiking Backpacks for those weekend adventures and week long excursions in this POST. 

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Best Day Hikes in the US

The 10 Best Day Hikes in the United States

The U.S. is loaded with amazing hiking trails. Thanks in large part to our extensive National Park system, there are still plenty of places out there where you can surround yourself with the beauty and majesty of nature-- and challenge your stamina and courage.

From daunting rock climbs to more relaxing forest treks, these day hikes will show you the best of America’s natural splendor. 

These should be on every hiker’s bucket list. They will blow you away in beauty and make you feel like you really accomplished something when you get to the top.

So grab a new daypack, book your flight, and plan your next trip to one of these amazing natural wonders.​

On the market for a new backpack for your next big adventure?  Check out our in depth guide on the best hiking backpacks for any occasion.  We have broken down our list to have the best daypacks, multi-day packs, and week plus journey packs.  Check it out HERE.

Here’s our list of the 10 best day hikes in the United States in no particular order.  We promise, you won’t be disappointed.​

1) Angels Landing - Zion National Park

angels landing hike

This hike changed my life and set me on a course that I have never looked back from. This day hike more them met my expectations and it gave me a hunger to see more of the United States National Parks.

However, this is not a hike for those afraid of heights.

As you make your way along a narrow strip of rocky trail, the drop on one side is a mere 800 feet, while the other side is a sheer drop of 1200 feet. When explorer Frederick Fisher first viewed the summit, he is said to have marveled that “only an angel could land on it.”

Angels Landing

flickr photo by MrConnyBoy shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

While there are hand cables and chains along parts of the trail, it is a true test of nerves. The reward for those intrepid hikers who brave this trail are some truly jaw-dropping views of Zion Canyon.

I have done many day hikes in North America and abroad and this one is still amongst my top 3. I was freaking out the whole way up the cables portion, but once I got there I was blown away by the view from all directions.

Zion National Park

There really is nothing quite like it with all the colors and mountains and valleys on every side of you.

This changed my appreciation for hiking and after I went on this hike, I rarely wanted to use my vacation days on city trips, but have opted for beautiful natural destinations like Utah’s incredible Zion National Park. I simply had to see more!

2) Precipice Trail - Acadia National Park

Precipice Trail

flickr photo by R'lyeh Imaging shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Maine is home to the gorgeous Acadia National Park. Maine is quite a cold destination in the winter (just below Canada), but when the weather starts to warm up in the spring and summer, the Acadia National Park starts to really get some visitors. For those passionate hikers out there, this park and hike is worth the trip.

The Precipice Trail is a 1.5 mile out and back route that will take you on an almost vertical 1,000 foot climb up the face of Champlain Mountain. Iron rungs, ladders and rock ledges will help you pull yourself along, but be prepared for an upper body workout.

Precipice Trail

You’ll be surrounded by breathtaking views of Acadia National Park, and if you’re lucky, you may even spot one of the peregrine falcons that nest there.

For those outdoor lovers who want to see an often unexplored part of the United States, head to Maine and get yourself a lobster roll and see some breathtaking views at Arcadia National Park.

3) Half Dome - Yosemite National Park

hiking half dome

This is by far the most strenuous and challenging day hike in Yosemite Valley. I know because I have done it and it was a full day to say the least. I think at the end of the day, I looked at my Fitbit Alta activity tracker and I had hiked almost 20 miles’ roundtrip and over 45,000 steps!

It was an exhausting day to say the least.

half dome

But it was worth it and I would definitely recommend you check out this legendary hike and perhaps America’s favorite and most popular national park.

The trail is a long, steep hike that requires a good 12 hours to complete. It took me around that as we got there bright and early before 6am and didn’t get back until dinner!

Along the way, you’ll enjoy the sights of the Vernal and Nevada waterfalls. The uppermost portion of the trail is essentially a vertical climb up rock face using cables. This is highly difficult after you have already been on the upward climb all day.

best California Hikes

It’s not for the faint of heart for those like myself that are afraid of heights. You just hold onto the cables and try not to look down.

It can also be difficult and intimidating as you can only go as fast as the person in front of you. Hikers squeeze by you coming down when you are going up (and vice versa) making it a little nerve racking for those with big packs and sometimes the limestone surface is a bit slippery (even without rain).

Thankfully there are wooden planks that you can rest on until you get to the next step up. So it was a bit nerve racking going up to say the least.

Going back down using those same cables can be even more challenging. And don’t even think about going to the peak if the weather is poor. BUT, all this to say it was and is worth it!

hiking down half Dome

Why put yourself through this agony?  Because at the top you’re at an elevation of 8,842 feet and you can see forever. I had a feeling of accomplishment like never before when I completed this hike and I can promise you, you will too.

Just make sure to get cable permit well in advance if you want to do the cable portion to the peak. They only have limited amounts of people that they allow to go up to the top do to the amount of people that come to Yosemite each day, so make sure to grab that permit well ahead of time.

4) Highline Trail - Glacier National Park

Highline Trail

flickr photo by Katie@! shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Glacier National Park is almost always listed as one of the most scenic and beautiful parks in the United States. It’s no wonder so many people love it.

The Highline Trail is among the best day hikes Glacier National Park has to offer. It takes you along the Continental Divide, which is known in this area as the Garden Wall.

Highline Trail

flickr photo by D.Taylor in Idaho shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

While there are some narrow sections of the trail that will require complete focus, you’ll be able to enjoy the scenery along the way for most of this trail. Alpine meadows dotted with wildflowers and wildlife await your discovery, so keep your eyes peeled for bighorn sheep, mountain goats and marmots.

Personally, Glacier National Park is still on my bucket list and I am hoping to visit Glacier this upcoming summer. I have seen and heard nothing but good things about the beauty of this park and the wonderful trails to explore.

I am positive you will find Glacier National Parks top day hike, the Highline Trail, to be among your favorites!

5) Longs Peak & Chasm Lake - Rocky Mountain National Park

Chasm Lake and Longs Peak

flickr photo by Bruce Dall shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Rocky Mountain National Park is widely popular park in one of the nation’s most beautiful states (arguably), Colorado. People flock here in droves to see this beautiful gem and go on some of the best hikes in America.

Ready to take the plunge and buy a new, updated hiking backpack?  We put together an excellent list of all the top hiking backpacks you could ever want.

The hike begins in dense evergreen forest and ascends to the top of Longs Peak. At 14,259 feet, it’s the highest point in Rocky Mountain National Park!

Chasm Lake

flickr photo by AlphaTangoBravo / Adam Baker shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

You’ll make your way along a gorge with views of Columbine Falls and Peacock Pool. Stunning Chasm Lake is your ultimate goal, and to reach it you’ll make a steep climb up the headwall, which requires some rock scrambling and route finding.

If you want to get some great fresh air and experience the beauty of Northern Colorado, check out the Rocky Mountain National Park.

6) Hoh River Trail - Olympic National Park

Olympic National Park

flickr photo by rarvesen shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

The Northwestern part of the United States is widely known for its beauty and this park is no exception. The Olympic National Park can be found in the state of Washington’s northern peninsula and features some dramatic peaks of the incredible Olympic mountains.

This trail is relatively flat, until you reach Glacier Meadow, so you will have plenty of opportunity to marvel at the magnificent rainforest around you. Stop for a break at the huge gravel bar that makes up Five Mile Island to enjoy the views and try to spot elk.

Hoh River Trail

flickr photo by daveynin shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Further along, you’ll be able to see the enormous glaciers that feed the remarkably blue Hoh River. This is another great hike for admiring flora and fauna.

You will be amazed at the beauty of this park and in awe the whole way on the Hoh River Trail.

For those that haven’t been to Washington, I think you will be amazed by the natural beauty of this state. Simply a day trip to the city, provides more natural beauty than most of my home state, Texas.

Hoh River Trail

flickr photo by jeffhutchison shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Just make sure to plan your trip when there isn’t a high expectation for rain, if possible, unless you love getting wet.

I, for one, enjoy my hikes without rain, but hey, when you’re next to the beautiful big green trees on every side maybe it won’t bother you too much.

**If you are on the market for a new waterproof backpack, check out our list of the top waterproof packs.​

As expected, the summer time is perhaps the best time to visit the Olympic National Park as long as you can put up with bigger crowds.

7) Kalalau Trail – Kauai

Kalalau Trail

flickr photo by Noodles and Beef shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

We couldn’t mention one of the United States best hikes without mentioning Hawaii. Hawaii is not only a great relaxing destination, but an unbelievable beauty to see and explore.

The Kalalau Trail will take you to a part of Hawaii that most visitors will never see. The rugged trail provides the only land access to secluded Kalalau Beach on the north shore of Kauai.

To get there, you will climb mountains, descend valleys, ford streams, and pass majestic waterfalls. Have I got you excited yet?

Kalalau Trail

flickr photo by Heath Cajandig shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

All this, while snaking alongside some of the most gorgeous coastlines in the United States.

Don’t miss the amazing views from Crawlers Ledge.

Hawaii isn’t necessarily the cheapest destination, but if you are looking for a great day hike, then make sure you check out the Kalalau Trail in Kauai.

It’s worth it to pay the money and purchase the plane ticket to see America’s favorite island.

8) Mt. Cammerer Loop - Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Great Smoky Mountains

flickr photo by MiguelVieira shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Ever been to Tennessee? If you have, I hope you visited the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

This famous national gem straddles the border of Tennessee and North Carolina.

If you go at the right time of year, the colors and foliage will blow you away (fall time/ spring time). You might even be surprised to find some classic hiking trails along the way.

Great Smoky Mountains

flickr photo by jared422_80 shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Among them, we highly recommend you do the Mt. Cammerer Loop. This trail will take you along part of the famed Appalachian Trail.

Once you reach the summit of Mt. Cammerer, you can go even higher by climbing the stone fire tower. From there, you can enjoy 360 degree breathtaking views of the Pigeon River Gorge and surrounding mountains.

Time to get real...  Ready to update your flimsy hiking backpack?  We got you covered with this Epic Style Hiking Backpack Review Post.

Quite frankly, we know you will love the Mount Cammerer Loop on you next day hike to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

9) Root Glacier Trail & Stairway Icefall - Wrangell-St. Elias National Park

St. Elias National Park

flickr photo by AlaskaNPS shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

You didn’t think we could make a top ten list of the best day hikes in America and leave out Alaska did you?

The Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve is a favorite for those that make the journey out to North America’s farthest north state.

Just like most of Alaska, the views are fantastic and of course the hiking is excellent. You just have to get yourself there!

St. Elias National Park

flickr photo by AlaskaNPS shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

This relatively moderate trail begins as a paved road winding through an old mining town. As you progress, you come to the Root Glacier. For those looking for a cold challenge, get your crampons on and prepare to hike a glacier.

You can head toward the Stairway Icefall to explore glacial pools and a waterfall. Keep an eye out for bears along the way. No I am not kidding.

Regardless of your level of adventurousness, seeing Alaska should be on every American hikers’ bucket list. The mountains and natural beauty of Alaska is simply spectacular.

10) Miners’ Ridge & James Irvine Loop - Redwood National Park

James Irvine Trail

flickr photo by david__jones shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Redwood National Park is home to some of the best hiking trails in California.

When you think of places to hike in California, you probably wouldn’t think of magnificent forest, am I right? California is so large and industrial that I think the magnificent redwood trees and forest often gets overlooked.

Of course you have to drive your way well north of San Francisco, nearing Oregon, to get there.

James Irvine Trail

flickr photo by chachra shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

But I would say it is more than worth the trip.

And if you really have the time, there is nothing quite like driving the coastline from southern California all the way up to Oregon. It’s a long drive, but you won’t be able to keep your eyes off the beautiful coastline.

The Miners’ Ridge and James Irvine Loop is a fantastic trail to hike. Not only will you get to hike through spectacular redwood forests, you’ll pass through sandy Gold Bluff Beach and Fern Canyon.

Redwood National Park

flickr photo by timparkinson shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

True to its name, the canyon’s steep, vertical walls are lined with ferns. Take the stairs out of the canyon and continue on to the James Irvine Trail to enjoy more of the forest from a different vantage point.

So be prepared to be amazed as the Redwood National Park will show you the amazing beauty of yet another great California national park.

Summing It All Up – Which Hike Should You Do First?

So whether you live on the east coast, the west coast, or somewhere in between, there is a spectacular hike out there calling your name.

These hikes may not be easy, but the scenic rewards make them well worth the effort.

If you have the time and stamina to do a couple hikes why not fly into northern California (San Francisco) and drive out to see the Redwood National Park and Yosemite National Park. You can knock off two excellent day hikes from our list.

Personally, in all my travels, I have found Colorado, Utah, and the northwestern United States to be among the most beautiful so it is no surprise that some of our favorite hikes are listed in these areas.

That being said, the Appalachian Mountains to the east are mind blowingly beautiful and the history of the eastern part of the United States is enthralling.

But go where you are most excited to go.

I myself, have a great desire to see Alaska and hike the lush trails of Hawaii. There is so much to explore in the U.S. and we would be remiss to not visit at least a few of these excellent trails.

If you really consider yourself an outdoor enthusiast, maybe you can hike all ten.

Ready to accept the challenge? The important thing is to go. One at a time and you will slowly get to your goal.

I’m planning on visiting one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World each year until I complete all 7 (2 down so far). If I had said I had to do it all at once, I probably would not have been very successful. But once a year I can do.

What hikes have you enjoyed the most? Let us know below what your favorite American hikes are.

About to embark on a long backpacking trip and are you in need a new lightweight hiking backpack?  We put together an in depth guide of the Best Hiking Backpacks in 2017.  Check out our list by clicking this LINK.

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